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Email Only Hosting
  • Web Space
    Web space is how much disk space you have on our servers
    in Mbs for storing your files. The more space you have the more
    (and larger files) you can store
  • Bandwidth
    Bandwidth is how much traffic you generate when people visit your site.
    Some hosts monitor and restrict it, we don't
  • Monthly Price
    This is how much you pay per month (excluding GST)
  • Email Accounts
    This is the number of email accounts your can have in your account.
    Note that the only limit on the number of your mail accounts is the
    size of your plan
  • Webmail
    All accounts come with a choice of Smartermail Emterprise, Horde,
    RoundCube or SquirrelMail
  • Email Aliases
    You can create as many email aliases to each mailbox that you want.
    For example, you could have 100 mail aliases pointing to a single mail
    address. Each alias would appear to your clients as a separate mail
  • Email Forwards
    You can create as many mail forwarders as you want - handy for
    forwarding mail to other accounts or creating mailing lists
  • Auto Responders
    You can create custom autoresponders for each mailbox to respond
    to emails with vacation messages or other information
  • Unlimited
  • SmarterMail
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • SmarterMail
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • SmarterMail
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • AntiSpam
    Our mail servers are protected by Commtouch Premium AntiSpam
    and SpamAssassin
  • AntiVirus
    Tool tip text here....
  • Out of Office
    Use custom autoresponders to create vacation messages
    All mail accounts support POP3, IMAP and authenitcated SMTP
  • AntiVirus
    Tool tip text here....
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